What does CDU mean? What is the full form of CDU?

The Full Form of CDU is‍ Chemical Dispensing Unit.

The Lock-N-Load Dilution Control Systems have been designed to safely, effectively, and economically dispense chemical cleaning solutions for the professional sanitation, food service, and laundry industries.

Lock-N-Load’s proprietary lock and key system prevents improper dilution of the product as well as eliminates human contact with the concentrated product.

Lock-N-Load cleaning solutions are formulated to be used with the Lock-N-Load Dispensing System. Using the Dispensing System will ensure that the concentrate is diluted correctly for the best results.



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Do you want to know What does CDU mean? What is the full form of CDU?. Are you looking for What does CDU mean? What is the full form of CDU? What is CDU stand for? On this page, We talk about the various possible acronym, abbreviation, full form or slang term of CDU. The Full Form of CDU is‍ Chemical Dispensing Unit
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What does CDU mean? What is the full form of CDU?
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