What does CONCOR mean? What is the full form of CONCOR?

The Full Form of CONCOR is Container Corporation.

Container Corporation of America (CCA) was founded in 1926 and manufactured corrugated boxes. In 1968 CCA merged with Montgomery Ward & Company, Inc., becoming MARCOR. MARCOR maintained separate management for the operations of each company, but had a joint board of directors. In 1986, Mobil Corporation, which had bought MARCOR in the early 1970s, sold the CCA company to the Jefferson Smurfit Corporation, which merged with the Stone Container Corporation in 1998 to become part of the Smurfit-Stone Container Corporation.



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Do you want to know What does CONCOR mean? What is the full form of CONCOR?. Are you looking for What does CONCOR mean? What is the full form of CONCOR? What is CONCOR stand for? On this page, We talk about the various possible acronym, abbreviation, full form or slang term of CONCOR. The Full Form of CONCOR is‍ Container Corporation
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