1, The full form of DDT is Dichlorodiphenyltrichloroethane. It’s used on Academic & Science ,Chemistry in Worldwide
Dichlorodiphenyltrichloroethane (DDT) is an insecticide used in agriculture. The United States banned the use of DDT in 1972, but some countries still use the chemical. DDT has also been used in the past for the treatment of lice. It is still in use outside the United States for the control of mosquitoes that spread malaria. DDT and its related chemicals persist for a long time in the environment and in animal tissues.
People are most likely to be exposed to DDT from foods, including meat, fish, and dairy products. DDT can be absorbed by eating, breathing, or touching products contaminated with DDT. In the body, DDT is converted into several breakdown products called metabolites, including the metabolite dichlorodiphenyldichloroethene (DDE). DDT and DDE are stored in the body’s fatty tissues. In pregnant women, DDT and DDE can be passed to the fetus. Both chemicals are found in breast milk, resulting in exposure to nursing infants.
Human health effects from DDT at low environmental doses are unknown. Following exposure to high doses, human symptoms can include vomiting, tremors or shakiness, and seizures. Laboratory animal studies showed effects on the liver and reproduction. DDT is considered a possible human carcinogen.
2, The full form of DDT is Don’t Do That. It’s used on Miscellaneous ,Chat slang in Worldwide
DDT means “Don’t “Do That” in chat
3, The full form of DDT is Dividend Distribution Tax. It’s used on Governmental ,Rules & Regulations in India
4, The full form of DDT is Distributed Debugging Tool. It’s used on Computing ,Programming & Development in Worldwide
DDT (Arm Forge DDT) – the Distributed Debugging Tool – is an advanced debugging tool available for scalar, multi-threaded and large-scale parallel applications.
DDT – the Distributed Debugging Tool – is a commercial debugger originally produced by Allinea Software. It is primarily for debugging parallel MPI or OpenMP programs, including those running on Linux clusters. It can also be used for scalar code in C, C++, and Fortran 90.
It can be used to find bugs in programs on both small and large clusters – from 1 to 1000s of processors. The debugger has logarithmic performance for most collective debugging operations, due to using a tree architecture across the machine network to control the many single-process debuggers.
It also features a memory debugging tool, which can be used to detect memory leaks. Aside from this, it is able to debug GPU software for CUDA applications.
Don’t Do That
Dividend Distribution Tax
Distributed Debugging Tool
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