What does DISHA mean? What is the full form of DISHA?

The full form of DISHA is District Infrastructure Scheme Advisory.

The Disha committees headed by the local Lok Sabha member will monitor 28 flagship schemes, including Digital India, Swachh Bharat, at the district level and MPs and MLAs will be a part of the panel.

The District Vigilance and Monitoring Committee is being restructured as District Infrastructure Scheme Advisory Committees (DISHA).

It will be headed by the respective LS MPs and will include MLAs and local elected representatives like sarpanch among others, a source said.

The committees will be formed for all districts and will have MPs, MLAs and other representatives for all political parties, the source added.



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Do you want to know What does DISHA mean? What is the full form of DISHA?. Are you looking for What does DISHA mean? What is the full form of DISHA? What is DISHA stand for? On this page, We talk about the various possible acronym, abbreviation, full form or slang term of DISHA. The Full Form of DISHA is‍ District Infrastructure Scheme Advisory
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