Road vs. Rode: Drive or Ride?

April 04, 2024
Road vs. Rode: Drive or Ride?

Road vs. Rode: Drive or Ride?

Road is a path for cars to drive on. It is a way to go from one place to another.
1. I walk on the road to go to school every day.
2. The road is bumpy, so the car shakes a lot.
3. The road is busy with many cars during rush hour.
4. Be careful when you cross the road.
5. The road is long, but we will reach our destination soon.

Rode is the past tense of ride, like riding a bike, horse, or motorcycle.
1. Yesterday, I rode my bike to the park.
2. She rode a horse for the first time and loved it.
3. He rode his motorcycle along the coast and enjoyed the view.
4. We rode the roller coaster at the amusement park.
5. They rode in a hot air balloon for a special adventure.

Trick to Remember:
Think of the word “road” ending with a “d” sound, even though it is spelled with a “d” at the start. When you see “rode,” remember it is about riding.

In summary, road is a path for cars, while rode is the past tense of ride. Remember, road has an “a” like a car, and rode is about riding a bike, horse, or other vehicles.