What does DMI mean? What is the full form of DMI?

1, The full form of DMI is Desktop Management Interface. It’s used on Computing ,Sofware & Applications in Worldwide

Desktop Management Interface, DMI is an API defined by the Desktop Management Task Force (DMTF), a consortium of hardware manufacturers led by Intel to enable software to collect information about a computer environment.

2, The full form of DMI is Dry Matter Intake. It’s used on Animal Kingdom ,Pets & Domesticated in Worldwide

Dry matter intake (DMI) is a factor that must be estimated before an animal’s diet can be properly calculated.

3, The full form of DMI is Dubai Media Incorporated. It’s used on Associations & Organizations ,Governmental Organizations in United Arab Emirates

Dubai Media Incorporated (DMI) is the official media organization of the government of Dubai.

4, The full form of DMI is Danish Meteorological Institute. It’s used on Governmental ,Departments & Agencies in Denmark

The Danish Meteorological Institute (Danish: Danmarks Meteorologiske Institut, is the official Danish meteorological institute, administrated by the Ministry of Transport and Energy. The institute makes weather forecasts and observations for Denmark, Greenland, and the Faroe Islands.

5, The full form of DMI is Disaster Mitigation Institute. It’s used on Associations & Organizations ,Regional Organizations in India

Disaster Mitigation Institute (DMI) is an agency in India, active in relief and rehabilitation program.



Desktop Management Interfacehow to pronounce Desktop Management Interface

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Dry Matter Intakehow to pronounce Dry Matter Intake

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Dubai Media Incorporatedhow to pronounce Dubai Media Incorporated

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Danish Meteorological Institutehow to pronounce Danish Meteorological Institute

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Disaster Mitigation Institutehow to pronounce Disaster Mitigation Institute

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Do you want to know What does DMI mean? What is the full form of DMI?. Are you looking for What does DMI mean? What is the full form of DMI? What is DMI stand for? On this page, We talk about the various possible acronym, abbreviation, full form or slang term of DMI. The Full Form of DMI is‍ Desktop Management Interface, Dry Matter Intake, Dubai Media Incorporated, Danish Meteorological Institute, Disaster Mitigation Institute
You also might want to know: how to pronounce DMI, how to pronounce Desktop Management Interface, how to pronounce Dry Matter Intake, how to pronounce Dubai Media Incorporated, how to pronounce Danish Meteorological Institute, how to pronounce Disaster Mitigation Institute,
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What does DMI mean? What is the full form of DMI?
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