What does DPG mean? What is the full form of DPG?

1, The full form of DPG is Deutsche Physikalische Gesellschaft,[German Physical Society]. It’s used on Associations & Organizations ,Professional Associations in Germany

German Physical Society (German: Deutsche Physikalische Gesellschaft, DPG) is an organization of physicists.

2, The full form of DPG is Development Promotion Group. It’s used on Regional ,Organizations in India

Development Promotion Group (DPG) is a non-government development organisation. DPG projects cover a broad spectrum of urban and rural development issues and range from housing, education, community organisation, women’s empowerment, sanitation, watershed development, microfinance, livelihood enhancement, etc.

3, The full form of DPG is Diplomatic Protection Group. It’s used on Governmental ,Police in United Kingdom

Diplomatic Protection Group (DPG) was an agency that take care of the safety and security of London’s diplomatic and government community. DPG provides overt armed protection in the capital, armed guards at London’s hospitals, and assistance to other police units and agencies at times of high demand, and an immediate response to armed and other critical incidents.

4, The full form of DPG is Dulwich Picture Gallery. It’s used on Regional ,Buildings & Landmarks in United Kingdom

Dulwich Picture Gallery (DPG) is an art gallery in Dulwich, South London, United Kingdom.



Deutsche Physikalische Gesellschaft,[German Physical Society]how to pronounce Deutsche Physikalische Gesellschaft,[German Physical Society]

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Development Promotion Grouphow to pronounce Development Promotion Group

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Diplomatic Protection Grouphow to pronounce Diplomatic Protection Group

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Dulwich Picture Galleryhow to pronounce Dulwich Picture Gallery

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Do you want to know What does DPG mean? What is the full form of DPG?. Are you looking for What does DPG mean? What is the full form of DPG? What is DPG stand for? On this page, We talk about the various possible acronym, abbreviation, full form or slang term of DPG. The Full Form of DPG is‍ Deutsche Physikalische Gesellschaft,[German Physical Society], Development Promotion Group, Diplomatic Protection Group, Dulwich Picture Gallery
You also might want to know: how to pronounce DPG, how to pronounce Deutsche Physikalische Gesellschaft,[German Physical Society], how to pronounce Development Promotion Group, how to pronounce Diplomatic Protection Group, how to pronounce Dulwich Picture Gallery,
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Showing the full form of DPG:‍ 'Deutsche Physikalische Gesellschaft,[German Physical Society], Development Promotion Group, Diplomatic Protection Group, Dulwich Picture Gallery' on your site.
What does DPG mean? What is the full form of DPG?
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