What does EGM mean? What is the full form of EGM?

The full form of EGM is Export General Manifest.

To ensure effective control over exports and imports, the Customs Act (1962) requires carriers to fulfill certain responsibilities. The (EGM) Export General Manifest is one such liability that rests upon the carrier.

As a part of customs clearance formalities, the person in charge of the shipping vessel or aircraft has to furnish the details of the consignment loaded into the vessel or aircraft in a prescribed form. This form is known as the Export General Manifest. An EGM is filed before the departure of the carrier and is considered to be the proof of shipment and export.

In the case of vehicular transportation, a report similar to an EGM is required to be furnished, which is known as an Export Report.

Importance of EGM in exports

The customs authorities rely on the EGM to certify proof of export. It is on the basis of these certifications that the exporter can claim the benefit of exports. The EGM ensures that all goods that leave India and its territorial waters are duly accounted for. Its filing also ensures that the requirements imposed by Section 41 and 42 of the Customs Act upon the person in charge of the carrier are abided by. Besides, some exports fall under the scope of Section 156(f) of the Customs Act, i.e., goods included in the shipping bill but not exported (or exported and later re-landed). Such goods and short-shipment goods are also recorded in the EGM.

Who files Export General Manifest?

Filing of EGM is the responsibility of the person in charge of the vessel or the aircraft. Section 148 of the Customs Act allows this activity to be performed by the agent of the person in charge as well. Such persons should represent themselves as agents and must be accepted by a proper officer as such. They will then become liable to fulfill the obligations of the person in charge and also be liable in case of penal consequences such as confiscations and penalties.

The person-in-charge must file the EGM before the departure of the carrier. However, in exceptional circumstances, the proper officer may agree on an extension of the period – provided adequate security and surety is provided by the agent of the carrier. The carrier can forward the EGM to the Customs EDI system electronically.

Apart from the electronic furnishing, the carrier must file a manual EGM along with the exporter’s copies of the shipping bills. The export department files this in their register, and the carrier receives an acknowledgement mentioning the date and time of receipt of the EGMs.

Whether the EGM is filed by the person in charge or their agent, the signatory verifies the truthfulness of its contents, making it a legally binding declaration. The Customs Act empowers the proper officer to allow the EGM or the export report to be amended or supplemented, provided they are satisfied that there is no fraudulent intention behind such a request. In case of any false declaration in the document or failure to file the document, the person issuing the EGM is liable to be punished under the Customs Act.

EGM is also a misspelling of EDM

see also What does EDM mean? What is the full form of EDM?

The full form of EGM is Extraordinary General Meeting

An extraordinary general meeting (EGM) is a shareholder meeting called other than a company’s scheduled annual general meeting (AGM). An EGM is also called a special general meeting or emergency general meeting.

In most cases, the only time shareholders and executives meet is during a company’s annual general meeting, which usually occurs at a fixed date and time.

However, certain events may require shareholders to come together on short notice to deal with an urgent matter, often concerning company management. The extraordinary general meeting is used as a way to meet and deal with urgent matters that arise in between the annual shareholders’ meetings.

An EGM might be called to deal with any of the following:
  • The removal of an executive
  • A legal matter
  • Any matter that can’t wait until the next shareholders meeting

The full form of EGM is Epic Gamer Moment
EGM stands for Epic Gamer Moment, is that moment you, an epic gamer, verbally ejaculate your excitement over something epic.
Noobslayer69: Yo I just destroyed these pilligars in a raid!
Sheeppuncher420: Woah now this is an EGM



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