What does EUC mean? What is the full form of EUC?

The full form of EUC is excellent used condition
EUC stands for excellent used condition. A seller will use this to indicate that the item for sale has been used, but it*s still in excellent condition. This usually means it*s only been worn a few times and still looks new.

Other Meanings of ※EUC§
※EUC§ will primarily stand for ※excellent used condition§ but on rare occasions, it might mean one of these other things:

Extended Unix Code
Everything under control
End-User Certification
Emotions under control
Similar Slang for ※EUC§
You*re most commonly going to use ※EUC§ in consumer transactions. Therefore, you may also see these other terms.

Used condition 每 the product shows signs of use but still works
Slightly used 每 the item has been used a few times
Almost new 每 hasn*t been used very much
FC 每 Fine condition 每 shows signs of use but not too much
G 每 Good condition
GU 每 gently used
MNT 每 mint condition
NBW 每 Never been worn
NM 每 Near mint

Conversation Examples
Conversation examples using ※EUC§

Seller837: Old Navy boots. Gray, women*s size 7. EUC. 2 months old. smoke-free, pet free home. $30 obo
Buyer081: interested. Will you take $25?
Seller837: yes. I*ll pm pickup dets



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Do you want to know What does EUC mean? What is the full form of EUC?. Are you looking for What does EUC mean? What is the full form of EUC? What is EUC stand for? On this page, We talk about the various possible acronym, abbreviation, full form or slang term of EUC. The Full Form of EUC is‍ excellent used condition
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What does EUC mean? What is the full form of EUC?
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