Smelled vs. Smelt: Understanding the Difference

April 05, 2024
Smelled vs. Smelt: Understanding the Difference

Smelled vs. Smelt: Understanding the Difference

**Smelled vs. Smelt**

– Smelled and Smelt are both used to talk about scents. They both come from Old English words.
– “Smelled” has been used in English for a very long time, while “smelt” comes from the Old English word “smyltan.”

*How to Use Them:*
– We use “smelled” for talking about past and present scents.
– We say “smelt” when we are talking only about the past for a particular scent.

*Trick to Remember the Difference:*
– Remember, if you are talking about something you smelled recently, you say “smelled” with an “-ed” at the end.

*Examples with Smelled:*
1. I smelled the flowers in the garden yesterday.
2. She has always smelled like fresh strawberries.
3. Have you smelled the delicious food cooking in the kitchen?
4. The baby smelled the fresh air when we went outside.
5. They will have smelled the smoke before they saw the fire.

*Examples with Smelt:*
1. Yesterday, I smelt cookies baking in the oven.
2. He smelt the salty ocean air when he went to the beach last week.
3. The flowers smelt so sweet at the botanical garden.
4. Did you ever smelt the aroma of your favorite meal?
5. When he was a child, he smelt his mom’s home-cooked meals every day.

– Remember to use “smelled” for present and past scents, while “smelt” is only for past scents. Practice using both words to remember when to use them correctly.