What does EUI mean? What is the full form of EUI?

The Full Form of EUI is‍ End User Interface.

The End User Interface is an intranet-based web application providing network users a convenient method of creating document distributions, generating Routing Sheets, and sending messages.

Using HP CR End User Interface, users can send/distribute documents either electronically as an email or a fax message. They can also scan a hard copy document using a MFP device and distribute it using HP CR’s routing capabilities.

  • To distribute a document electronically, simply create the message and click Send (or select an existing message and click Forward/Resend) just as you would send an email message. The HP CR End User Interface immediately distributes the document as an electronic file attachment using the document distribution information.

  • To distribute a hard copy document, generate a Routing Sheet from a document distribution. (A Routing Sheet is a cover sheet for your message containing the document distribution information (Distribution Rule data). Take the Routing Sheet and your hard copy documents to an office machine and scan the document with the Routing Sheet as the first or last page of the document. Your company’s intelligent HP CR software detects the barcode on the Routing Sheet, routes the document to the HP CR sever where it is processed and sent to the intended recipient.

In the main menu, HP CR End User Interface presents the user with several options to create Messages and Distributions, and to set preferences as necessary.



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Do you want to know What does EUI mean? What is the full form of EUI?. Are you looking for What does EUI mean? What is the full form of EUI? What is EUI stand for? On this page, We talk about the various possible acronym, abbreviation, full form or slang term of EUI. The Full Form of EUI is‍ End User Interface
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