What does FCRM mean? What is the full form of FCRM?

The Full Form of FCRM is Finacle Customer Relationship Management.

FCRM, which stands for Finacle Customer Relationship Management, is part of the Finacle suite of products from Infosys. It is a tool to enable Customer Relationship Management. The name is derived from Finacle Core Banking that is used as the main product processor for liability products and banking transactions. Core Banking is different software and should not be confused with FCRM.
Finacle CRM on the other hand aggregates customer information from all our major products – Liability products/ Deposits, Credit Cards, Loans and others. ICICI Bank was one of the first to deploy FCRM.
A key element around which all functions and features are built is the Service Request (SR).
A Service Request (SR) is captured at various points of customer interaction – usually done through the Call Centers and at Branches – the front office teams. Some SRs are also captured through Internet Banking.
SRs are auto assigned to the designated teams based on workflows that are pre-defined in the system. Resolution is usually done by the Operations teams, but is also done by Branches, Sales and Business teams for some processes.
Automated tracking is facilitated through Escalation emails at pre-defined time intervals (TAT or Turn Around Times) for a given process.
MIS reports are built outside the system can be used for short term analysis like TAT tracking and long term analysis for Productivity and Service measurements.



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Do you want to know What does FCRM mean? What is the full form of FCRM?. Are you looking for What does FCRM mean? What is the full form of FCRM? What is FCRM stand for? On this page, We talk about the various possible acronym, abbreviation, full form or slang term of FCRM. The Full Form of FCRM is‍ Finacle Customer Relationship Management
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What does FCRM mean? What is the full form of FCRM?
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