What does DRC mean? What is the full form of DRC?

1, The full form of DRC is Democratic Republic of the Congo. It’s used on Regional ,Countries in Congo

Democratic Republic of the Congo (DRC) is a country located in Central Africa.

2, The full form of DRC is Disaster Recovery Center. It’s used on Governmental ,Departments & Agencies in United States

Disaster Recovery Center (DRC) is a readily accessible facility or mobile office where applicants may go for information about Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) or other disaster assistance programs, or for questions related to the case.

3, The full form of DRC is Design Rule Checking. It’s used on Academic & Science ,Electronics in Worldwide

Design Rule Checking (DRC) is a process that checks both the logical and physical integrity of an electronic design.

4, The full form of DRC is Dry Rubber Content. It’s used on Academic & Science ,Chemistry in Worldwide

Dry Rubber Content (DRC) denotes how much rubber is present in latex. It is the weight in gm of rubber present in 100gm latex. In general, latex contains about 30- 40 % of rubber particles and 55-65 % of water.

5, The full form of DRC is Disability Rights Commission. It’s used on Governmental ,Departments & Agencies in United Kingdom

Disability Rights Commission (DRC) was an independent body established in April 2000 by Act of Parliament to stop discrimination and promote equality of opportunity for disabled people in the United States.

6, The full form of DRC is Danish Refugee Council. It’s used on Regional ,Organizations in Denmark

Danish Refugee Council (DRC) is a private Danish humanitarian organisation, founded in 1956.



Democratic Republic of the Congohow to pronounce Democratic Republic of the Congo

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Disaster Recovery Centerhow to pronounce Disaster Recovery Center

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Design Rule Checkinghow to pronounce Design Rule Checking

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Dry Rubber Contenthow to pronounce Dry Rubber Content

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Disability Rights Commissionhow to pronounce Disability Rights Commission

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Danish Refugee Councilhow to pronounce Danish Refugee Council

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Do you want to know What does DRC mean? What is the full form of DRC?. Are you looking for What does DRC mean? What is the full form of DRC? What is DRC stand for? On this page, We talk about the various possible acronym, abbreviation, full form or slang term of DRC. The Full Form of DRC is‍ Democratic Republic of the Congo, Disaster Recovery Center, Design Rule Checking, Dry Rubber Content, Disability Rights Commission, Danish Refugee Council
You also might want to know: how to pronounce DRC, how to pronounce Democratic Republic of the Congo, how to pronounce Disaster Recovery Center, how to pronounce Design Rule Checking, how to pronounce Dry Rubber Content, how to pronounce Disability Rights Commission, how to pronounce Danish Refugee Council,
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What does DRC mean? What is the full form of DRC?
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