What does GGWP mean? What is the full form of GGWP?

The Full Form of GGWP is‍ Good Game, Well Played.

GGWP means “Good Game, Well Played.”

The abbreviation GGWP is used with the meaning “Good Game, Well Played” to congratulate someone after any sort of game (e.g., a sports match, a board game or, especially, an online game).

GGWP is often seen in the form #GGWP, i.e., with a hashtag (especially on Twitter). It is also commonly seen in the abbreviated versions #GG and #WP.

In gaming, GGWP is typically used at the end of an online game (especially on Discord, a communications app for gamers) to congratulate other players for their efforts. The term can be used by either the winner or loser of the game. GGWP contrasts with GLHF (Good Luck, Have Fun), which is often used by gamers at the start of an online game.

GGWP is also often used to congratulate someone for a shrewd move in life. For example:

  • Bill: I’m taking Sarah for a romantic weekend to ensure I get a pass for our fishing weekend.
  • Bob: GGWP!



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Do you want to know What does GGWP mean? What is the full form of GGWP?. Are you looking for What does GGWP mean? What is the full form of GGWP? What is GGWP stand for? On this page, We talk about the various possible acronym, abbreviation, full form or slang term of GGWP. The Full Form of GGWP is‍ Good Game, Well Played
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