What does GIIN mean? What is the full form of GIIN?

The Full Form of GIIN is Global Intermediary Identification Number.

GIIN is an abbreviation of Global Intermediary Identification Number. The FATCA Registration System approves foreign financial institutions (FFI), financial institution (FI) branches, direct reporting non-financial foreign entities (NFFE), sponsoring entities, sponsored entities, and sponsored subsidiary branches. Institutions and entities assigned a GIIN can use it to identify themselves to withholding agents and tax administrators for FATCA reporting purposes.

The GIIN, formatted as XXXXXX.XXXXX.XX.XXX, is a 19-character identification number made up of several identifiers. These characters will never contain the letter “O”.



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Do you want to know What does GIIN mean? What is the full form of GIIN?. Are you looking for What does GIIN mean? What is the full form of GIIN? What is GIIN stand for? On this page, We talk about the various possible acronym, abbreviation, full form or slang term of GIIN. The Full Form of GIIN is‍ Global Intermediary Identification Number
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