What does HFCS mean? What is the full form of HFCS?

The Full Form of HFCS is‍ High-fructose corn syrup.

High-fructose corn syrup (HFCS) is an artificial sugar made from corn syrup.

Many experts believe that added sugar and HFCS are key factors in today’s obesity epidemic (1Trusted Source, 2Trusted Source).

HFCS and added sugar are also linked to many other serious health issues, including diabetes and heart disease (3Trusted Source, 4Trusted Source).

The fructose in HFCS can cause health issues if eaten in excessive amounts.

Most starchy carbs, such as rice, are broken down into glucose⁠ — the basic form of carbs. However, table sugar and HFCS comprise around 50% glucose and 50% fructose (5Trusted Source).

Glucose is easily transported and utilized by every cell in your body. It’s also the predominant fuel source for high-intensity exercise and various processes.

In contrast, the fructose from high fructose corn syrup or table sugar needs to be converted into glucose, glycogen (stored carbs), or fat by the liver before it can be used as fuel.

Like regular table sugar, HFCS is a rich source of fructose. In the past few decades, the intake of fructose and HFCS has increased significantly.

Before table sugar and HFCS became affordable and widely available, people’s diets contained only small amounts of fructose from natural sources, such as fruits and vegetables (6Trusted Source).

The adverse effects listed below are mostly caused by excess fructose, although they apply to both high-fructose corn syrup (55% fructose) and plain table sugar (50% fructose).



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Do you want to know What does HFCS mean? What is the full form of HFCS?. Are you looking for What does HFCS mean? What is the full form of HFCS? What is HFCS stand for? On this page, We talk about the various possible acronym, abbreviation, full form or slang term of HFCS. The Full Form of HFCS is‍ High-fructose corn syrup
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What does HFCS mean? What is the full form of HFCS?
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