What does HMU mean? What is the full form of HMU?

The full form of HMU is Hit Me Up
This is an abbreviation for “Hit Me Up”

If anyone tells you HMU, the person is saying you should contact him through any means. You could call him, text him, or shoot him an email. Anyone can use it informally.

Similar internet slang terms

A similar online slang word to HMU is HYU which means Hit You Up. It is opposite in meaning but almost similar. It means I’ll contact you.

Conversation Examples Using “Hit Me Up”
This is a text conversation between Meg and David.

Meg: What’s up Dave? It’s been a while.
David: Sorry, I’ve been very busy lately.
Meg: I’ll love to hang out with you on Friday evening.
David: Sorry, am not in town right now. Am on official assignment but should be back next week.
Meg: No problem, just HMU when you’re back in town.
David: Ok then, will HYU when am back.



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Do you want to know What does HMU mean? What is the full form of HMU?. Are you looking for What does HMU mean? What is the full form of HMU? What is HMU stand for? On this page, We talk about the various possible acronym, abbreviation, full form or slang term of HMU. The Full Form of HMU is‍ Hit Me Up
You also might want to know: how to pronounce HMU, how to pronounce Hit Me Up,
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What does HMU mean? What is the full form of HMU?
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