What does HOTS mean? What is the full form of HOTS?

The Full Form of HOTS is‍ High Order Thinking Skills.

Higher-order thinking skills (HOTS) is a concept popular in American education. It distinguishes critical thinking skills from low-order learning outcomes, such as those attained by rote memorization. HOTS include synthesizing, analyzing, reasoning, comprehending, application, and evaluation.

HOTS is based on various taxonomies of learning, particularly the one created by Benjamin Bloom in his 1956 book, “Taxonomy of Educational Objectives: The Classification of Educational Goals.” Higher-order thinking skills are reflected by the top three levels in Bloom’s Taxonomy: analysis, synthesis, and evaluation.




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Do you want to know What does HOTS mean? What is the full form of HOTS?. Are you looking for What does HOTS mean? What is the full form of HOTS? What is HOTS stand for? On this page, We talk about the various possible acronym, abbreviation, full form or slang term of HOTS. The Full Form of HOTS is‍ High Order Thinking Skills
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