The Full Form of HPMC is Horticulture Produce Marketing & Processing Corporation.
H.P. Horticulture Produce Marketing & Processing Corporation (HP State Government Undertaking) popularly known as HPMC was incorporated on 10th June, 1974 with the financial assistance of World Bank. The mandate of this organization was to provide post-harvest facilities to the fruit growers of the state and to help them to get best returns for their produce from the market.
The infrastructure created way back in seventies and early eighties has now been upgraded in a phased manner by commissioning most advanced computerised apple packing /grading lines with controlled atmosphere facilities in the fruit growing areas of the state.This has helped farmers avail technology to meet the international market requirements.
HPMC was established with the objective of marketing of fresh fruits and processing of all types of surplus fruits. It has developed the most modern system of marketing in the country.The unique characteristics of this organization are that It provides supplies of horticultural inputs, tools and implements besides apple grading/packaging and storage facilities to the growers.
Horticulture Produce Marketing & Processing Corporation
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