What does IIFCL mean? What is the full form of IIFCL?

The full form of IIFCL is India Infrastructure Finance Company Limited

IIFCL is a wholly-owned Government of India company set up in 2006 to provide long-term financial assistance to viable infrastructure projects through the Scheme for Financing Viable Infrastructure Projects through a Special Purpose Vehicle called India Infrastructure Finance Company Ltd (IIFCL), broadly referred to as SIFTI. IIFCL has been registered as a NBFC-ND-IFC with the Reserve Bank of India (RBI) since September 2013 and follows the applicable prudential norms of the RBI. The authorized and paid up capital of the company stood at Rs 10,000 Crore and Rs 9,999.92 Crore, respectively as on 31st December, 2020.

India Infrastructure Finance Company Limited (IIFCL) was incorporated under the Companies Act as a wholly-owned Government of India company in January 2006 and commenced operations from April 2006 to provide long term finance to viable infrastructure projects through the Scheme for Financing Viable Infrastructure Projects through a Special Purpose Vehicle called India Infrastructure Finance Company Ltd (IIFCL), broadly referred to as SIFTI. The sectors eligible for financial assistance from IIFCL are the Harmonized list of infrastructure sub-sectors as approved by the Cabinet Committee on Infrastructure on 1st March 2012. These include transportation, energy, water, sanitation, communication, social and commercial infrastructure. IIFCL accords overriding priority to Public-Private Partnership (PPP) Projects.

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  • Provides long term financial support to infrastructure projects in India through Direct Lending, Subordinate Debt, Takeout Finance and Credit Enhancement
  • Gives overriding priority to Public Private Partnership (PPP) projects



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Do you want to know What does IIFCL mean? What is the full form of IIFCL?. Are you looking for What does IIFCL mean? What is the full form of IIFCL? What is IIFCL stand for? On this page, We talk about the various possible acronym, abbreviation, full form or slang term of IIFCL. The Full Form of IIFCL is‍ India Infrastructure Finance Company Limited
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What does IIFCL mean? What is the full form of IIFCL?
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