What does NSS mean? What is the full form of NSS?

1, The full form of NSS is Network Security Services. It’s used on Computing ,Security in Worldwide

Network Security Services (NSS) is a set of libraries designed to support cross-platform development of security-enabled client and server applications.

2, The full form of NSS is National Sample Survey. It’s used on Governmental ,Census & Statistics in India

The National Sample Survey (NSS) is a nation wide sample survey which was initiated by the Government of India in the Department of Economic Affairs, Ministry of Finance, in 1950 to collect statistical sampling comprehensive socio- economic data relating to different sector of the economy of the country. It is the largest organisation in India conducting regular socio-economic surveys.

3, The full form of NSS is National Service Scheme. It’s used on Associations & Organizations ,Educational Organizations in India

National Service Scheme (NSS) is an Indian government-sponsored program under the Department of Youth Affairs and Sports of the Government of India aims at developing amongst students a sense of participation in nation building through Social Work. NSS was started in 1969.

4, The full form of NSS is National Space Society. It’s used on Associations & Organizations ,International Orgaizations in Worldwide

National Space Society (NSS) is an international nonprofit educational, and scientific organization specializing in space exploration.

5, The full form of NSS is Nair Service Society. It’s used on Associations & Organizations ,Regional Organizations in India

Nair Service Society (NSS) is an organization created for the upliftment and welfare of the Nair community. It is headquartered at Perunna in the town of Changanassery in Kottayam District, Kerala State, India.

6, The full form of NSS is National Speleological Society. It’s used on Associations & Organizations ,Regional Organizations in United States

National Speleological Society (NSS) is an organization formed to advance the exploration, conservation, study, and understanding of caves in the United States.

7, The full form of NSS is National Search and Rescue Secretariat. It’s used on Governmental ,Departments & Agencies in Canada

National Search and Rescue Secretariat (NSS) was an independent organization within the Government of Canada’s Department of National Defence to provide leadership to the National Search and Rescue Program (NSP).

8, The full form of NSS is Neutral Salt Spray. It’s used on Academic & Science ,Chemistry in Worldwide

A Neutral Salt Spray (NSS) is performed to determine qualitative resistance to corrosive attack on the products surface.



Network Security Serviceshow to pronounce Network Security Services

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National Sample Surveyhow to pronounce National Sample Survey

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National Service Schemehow to pronounce National Service Scheme

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National Space Societyhow to pronounce National Space Society

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Nair Service Societyhow to pronounce Nair Service Society

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National Speleological Societyhow to pronounce National Speleological Society

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National Search and Rescue Secretariathow to pronounce National Search and Rescue Secretariat

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Neutral Salt Sprayhow to pronounce Neutral Salt Spray

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Do you want to know What does NSS mean? What is the full form of NSS?. Are you looking for What does NSS mean? What is the full form of NSS? What is NSS stand for? On this page, We talk about the various possible acronym, abbreviation, full form or slang term of NSS. The Full Form of NSS is‍ Network Security Services, National Sample Survey, National Service Scheme, National Space Society, Nair Service Society, National Speleological Society, National Search and Rescue Secretariat, Neutral Salt Spray
You also might want to know: how to pronounce NSS, how to pronounce Network Security Services, how to pronounce National Sample Survey, how to pronounce National Service Scheme, how to pronounce National Space Society, how to pronounce Nair Service Society, how to pronounce National Speleological Society, how to pronounce National Search and Rescue Secretariat, how to pronounce Neutral Salt Spray,
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What does NSS mean? What is the full form of NSS?
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