What does IKF mean? What is the full form of IKF?

The Full Form of IKF is International Karting Federation.

The International Kart Federation was the first kart racing organization in the United States, founded and still based in California in 1957. In 1971 it was joined by the World Karting Association, which originally focused more on the Eastern and Central United States.

The International Kart Federation (IKF) takes pride in its long record of achievement as a governing body for the sport of kart racing. In recognition of the need for controls over the sport, the International Kart Federation has published rules for competition since November 21, 1957. Throughout this time, the objectives of the Federation have been the same: to foster strong and fair competition; to provide reasonable rules for the various types of competition; to administer the competition program with impartiality, and to reduce the hazards associated with this sport.

Entrants, drivers and participants in general are required to be fully conversant with these regulations and any supplementary rules or instructions governing an event, and are, by reason of their entry therein, bound by such regulations, supplementary rules, or instructions.

It shall be the duty of every IKF member to conduct themselves, while representing the Federation, in a manner that shall not be prejudicial to the Federation, nor bring unnecessary criticism on the Federation.



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