What does IOL mean? What is the full form of IOL?

The Full Form of IOL is Intraocular lens.

Intraocular lens is a lens implanted in the eye as part of a treatment for cataracts or myopia. The most common type of IOL is the pseudophakic IOL. These are implanted during cataract surgery, after the cloudy eye’s natural lens has been removed. The pseudophakic IOL provides the same light focusing function as the natural crystalline lens. The second type of IOL, more commonly known as a phakic intraocular lens, is a lens which is placed over the existing natural lens and is used in refractive surgery to change the eye’s optical power as a treatment for myopia.



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Do you want to know What does IOL mean? What is the full form of IOL?. Are you looking for What does IOL mean? What is the full form of IOL? What is IOL stand for? On this page, We talk about the various possible acronym, abbreviation, full form or slang term of IOL. The Full Form of IOL is‍ Intraocular lens
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