What does ISTD mean? What is the full form of ISTD?

The Full Form of ISTD is‍ Indian Society for Training and Development.

The Indian Society for Training & Development (ISTD), established in April 1970, is a national level professional & non-profit society registered under the Societies Registration Act, 1860. It has a large membership of individuals and institutions involved in the area of training and development of Human Resource from Government, Public and Private Sector Organizations & Enterprises; Educational and Training Institutions and other Professional Bodies. The Society is affiliated to the International Federation of Training and Development Organizations (IFTDO), Geneva and Asian Regional Training and Development Organizations (ARTDO), Manila.

ISTD Organizes Training Programs, all over the country both at Chapter and National Levels. The programs cover selected areas of HRD with special emphasis on Training of Trainers, Training Goals & Objectives and Training tools & Technologies. A very large number of Public & Private Sector Organizations, Training Institutions Central and State Government Participate in these programs, some of which have been held in collaboration with Planning Commission, Bureau of Public Enterprises and the Training Division of Department of Personnel, Government Of India.

The Indian Society for Training and Development (ISTD) is a premier institution in the field of Human Resource Development with a distinguished record of service spanning more than 37 years. To meet the long felt need for a basic qualification in Training & Development, a focused correspondence Course-Diploma in Training & Development was introduced in April, 1979. This is the only professional course recognised by Govt. of India for training of trainers in the country and is designed to meet today’s Training/HRD challenges. This Diploma Programme is managed by a Board consisting of eminent HRD professional and academicians.

At present a large number of ISTD Diploma holders are occupying senior positions in the field of Training & Development/Human Resource Development in various Central Government Departments, Public and Private organisations.

ISTD Diploma in Training & Development is a distance learning Programme of 18 months duration. The medium of the programme is English only. A student of this programme is entitled to use suffix ‘Dip TD’ on successful completion of all the eight Theory papers & the Internship Project Report.



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Do you want to know What does ISTD mean? What is the full form of ISTD?. Are you looking for What does ISTD mean? What is the full form of ISTD? What is ISTD stand for? On this page, We talk about the various possible acronym, abbreviation, full form or slang term of ISTD. The Full Form of ISTD is‍ Indian Society for Training and Development
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