The full form of KESCo is Kanpur Electricity Supply Company. It’s used on Business ,Companies & Corporations in India
Kanpur Electricity Supply Company Ltd. is a company incorporated under Companies Act, 1956 and having its registered office at 14/71, Civil Lines, Kanpur-208001..
Kanpur Electricity Supply Company Ltd. was formed on 14 January 2000 under U.P. Electricity reform act 1999. This company is registered for distribution of electricity in the area under Kanpur City (Urban) by U.P. Government Gazette No. 118/P.-1/2000/24-152-P./98 published on 13/01/2000. According to geographic condition the complete region of Kanpur Nagar Nigam is decided as the work area of KESCo. Boundaries of above KESCo region are upto river Ganga in North, upto river Pandu in South, upto I.I.T. campus in West and upto villages of Chakari in East. The total area supplied electricity by KESCo is around 500 Square K.M., which comes in jurisdiction of Kanpur Nagar Nigam. Kanpur is the main hub of industries in North India. The big industries in the KESCo region are M/s Lohia Machines Ltd., M/s H.A.L., Ordinance Factory, Small Arms Factory, Field Gun Factory, Tanneries and Ganga pollution institute etc.
Kanpur Electricity Supply Company
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