What does LERMS mean? What is the full form of LERMS?

The Full Form of LERMS is‍ Liberalized exchange rate management system.

O Liberalized Exchange Rate Management System”, (LERMS for short), introduced with effect from 1.3.1992. O Under the LERMS, Exporters of goods and services and those who are recipients of remittances from abroad could sell the bulk of their foreign exchange receipts at market determined rates. O Similarly, those who need to import goods and services or undertake travel abroad could buy foreign exchange to meet such needs, at market determined rates from the authorized dealers, subject to their transactions being eligible under the liberalized exchange control system.



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Do you want to know What does LERMS mean? What is the full form of LERMS?. Are you looking for What does LERMS mean? What is the full form of LERMS? What is LERMS stand for? On this page, We talk about the various possible acronym, abbreviation, full form or slang term of LERMS. The Full Form of LERMS is‍ Liberalized exchange rate management system
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