What does LMR mean? What is the full form of LMR?

The Full Form of LMR is Last Minute Resistance.

The resistant behavior of women emotive circuit that elicits right before first-time sex is called last-minute resistance…

Every woman has hardwired into her head a behavioral circuit that works to protect her from getting pregnant by a man who has no intention of sticking around to help raise the child. The resistant behavior this emotive circuit elicits right before first-time sex is called last-minute resistance. It is your job to ease her through this uncomfortable emotion should it arise. Having sex carries a much larger risk and investment for a woman than it does for a man from an evolutionary perspective. Last-minute resistance is her last line of defense before the point of no return.

A woman’s LMR threshold may differ from person to person, and a woman’s own LMR threshold will change depending on the value of the man she is about to sleep with and other circumstances. Here are some common last minute resistance threshold points:
2.Touching breasts
3.Top removal



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Do you want to know What does LMR mean? What is the full form of LMR?. Are you looking for What does LMR mean? What is the full form of LMR? What is LMR stand for? On this page, We talk about the various possible acronym, abbreviation, full form or slang term of LMR. The Full Form of LMR is‍ Last Minute Resistance
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