What does LOP mean? What is the full form of LOP?

1, The full form of LOP is Loss of Pay. It’s used on Business ,Business Terms in Worldwide

Loss of pay is done when an employee does not come to work and apply for leave. It means, no salary will be paid for a particular day. Loss of pay calculation is based on the calendar day logic. If your company follows the calendar day logic, make sure that you record dates pertaining to the days for which loss of pay should be applied for a member of staff. For example, let us assume that the payroll supervisor wishes to apply 1-day loss of pay for a worker in May payroll. It is important for the payroll supervisor to know to which month the loss of pay pertains. Depending on the month, the loss of pay amount would change. If the worker has a monthly salary of Rs. 31,000 on which loss of pay has to be applied, the amount for one-day for the month of April is Rs. 1,000 (Rs. 31,000/31 days) while the value of per day salary in June is Rs. 1033 i.e. Rs. 31,000/30.

Loss of pay meaning in simple words can be stated as for leave taken by the employee when he/she does not have leave balance in his/her account and but given permission to remain absent. So this absence is authorized one. If an employee has no enough leaves to his credit, the employer can permit leave without pay. There cannot be any tough rule for prerogative and availing of leave without pay. It is purely an unrestricted power of the employer to grant leave without pay. Therefore, if the reason for taking leave without pay is genuine, the manager can sanction it without any constraint. On the other hand, without a sanction of such leave shall be viewed as a serious misbehavior also.

When the employee is not having leaves to his credit and dueto exegencies he has to go on leave and obtained approval for his absence then it is an approved leave with out pay and this type of leaves can not attract any disciplinery actions LOP is a different process, even though the employee is having leaves to their credit and due procedure is not followed before going on leave and ultimately the said period of absence is going to be treated as Loss of pay ( absent). This absence period attracts disciplinery action. read more at: https://www.citehr.com/471802-difference-between-lop-lwp.html

Without loss of pay means that an employee would receive their ordinary pay as if they were at work without additional benefit for undertaking the activity i.e. no

2, The full form of LOP is Letter of Permission. It’s used on Academic & Science ,Universities & Institutions in Worldwide

Letter of Permission (LOP) is a letter provided by the University you are currently attending (your home university), which gives you permission to take a course at another university. A Letter of Permission from a student’s home institution guarantees that a course the student has successfully completed at another institution will be counted by the home institution toward the student’s program of study.

Permission letter is a formal way of letting our superiors or any other necessary party know about our plans if they will affect them. These plans can be going on vacation, visiting your family, attending a funeral or any other activity. Since we do not want to inconvenience other people, we let them know through permission letters.

Since a permission letter is an official letter, it can have the address of both the sender and the receiver. However, in most cases, the sender’s address is not compulsory because both parties are familiar with each other i.e. in the same company.

The receiver’s address is the first to appear. The information in the address also has some order. The following is an example of the format.

To [Receiver’s Name],
[Receiver’s Title],
[Receiver’s Company Name],
[Street Address],
[Town/City, Country/Zip Code].



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Do you want to know What does LOP mean? What is the full form of LOP?. Are you looking for What does LOP mean? What is the full form of LOP? What is LOP stand for? On this page, We talk about the various possible acronym, abbreviation, full form or slang term of LOP. The Full Form of LOP is‍ Loss of Pay, Letter of Permission
You also might want to know: how to pronounce LOP, how to pronounce Loss of Pay, how to pronounce Letter of Permission,
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What does LOP mean? What is the full form of LOP?
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