What does LPDR mean? What is the full form of LPDR?

The Full Form of LPDR is‍ Low-Power Double-Data-Rate.

Mobile DDR (also known as mDDR, Low Power DDR, or LPDDR) is type of double data rate synchronous DRAM for mobile smart phones and Tablet PC application.
The original low-power DDR (sometimes, in hindsight, called LPDDR1) is a slightly modified form of DDR SDRAM, with several changes to reduce overall power consumption.
Most significantly, the supply voltage is reduced from 2.5 to 1.8 V. Additional savings come from temperature-compensated refresh (DRAM requires refresh less often at low temperatures), partial array self refresh, and a “deep power down” mode which sacrifices all memory contents. Additionally, chips are smaller, using less board space than their non-mobile equivalents. Samsung , Elpida Hynix and Micron are the few of the main providers of this technology, and is used in tablet computing devices such as the Apple iPad, Samsung Galaxy Tab,Motorola Droid X and HP TouchPad.
Low Power Double Data Rate memory (LPDDR) is also called Mobile DDR (MDDR). This form of memory operates at 1.8 volts as opposed to the more traditional 2.5 volts and is commonly used in portable electronics. As with all DDR memory, the double data rate is achieved by transferring data on both clock edges of the device.



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Do you want to know What does LPDR mean? What is the full form of LPDR?. Are you looking for What does LPDR mean? What is the full form of LPDR? What is LPDR stand for? On this page, We talk about the various possible acronym, abbreviation, full form or slang term of LPDR. The Full Form of LPDR is‍ Low-Power Double-Data-Rate
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