What does LRD mean? What is the full form of LRD?

The Full Form of LRD is‍ Lease Rent Discount.

Lease rental discounting is a kind of loan against property provided by bank or NBFC against rental receipts of the borrower which is derived from lease rent contracts with corporate clients. The loan is provided by lender to the lessor on the discounted value of the lease rentals and market value of the property.



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Do you want to know What does LRD mean? What is the full form of LRD?. Are you looking for What does LRD mean? What is the full form of LRD? What is LRD stand for? On this page, We talk about the various possible acronym, abbreviation, full form or slang term of LRD. The Full Form of LRD is‍ Lease Rent Discount
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What does LRD mean? What is the full form of LRD?
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