The full form of LSS is last song syndrome
This acronym represents the phrase “last song syndrome.” It is used to describe the situation when you can’t get a song that you listened to out of your head and you keep singing it over and over.
Origin of LSS
There is no specific origin information regarding this acronym or the phrase that it represents.
Other Meanings
This acronym can also represent the phrase “lead singer syndrome.” This is defined as the ego that lead singers sometimes develop thinking that they are better than the rest of their group.
Conversation Examples
A text message exchange between two friends.
Friend 1: Ugh! I am suffering from LSS today!
Friend 2: Is it a good song at least?
Friend 1: I guess that depends on who you ask! I can’t stop singing Happy by Pharrel Williams.
Friend 2: I feel bad for you! LOL!
last song syndrome
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