What does MOIL mean? What is the full form of MOIL?

The full form of MOIL is Manganese Ore India Limited.

MOIL is a Schedule “A” Miniratna Category-I Company. It was originally incorporated as Manganese Ore (India) Limited in the year 1962. Subsequently, name of the Company was changed from Manganese Ore (India) Limited to MOIL Limited during the financial year 2010-11.

MOIL was originally set up in the year 1896 as Central Province Prospecting Syndicate which was later renamed as Central Provinces Manganese Ore Company Limited (CPMO), a British Company incorporated in the UK. In 1962, as a result of an agreement between the Government of India and CPMO, the assets of the latter were taken over by the Government and MOIL was formed with 51% capital held between the Govt. of India and the State Governments of Maharashtra and Madhya Pradesh and the balance 49% by CPMO. It was in 1977, the balance 49% shareholding was acquired from CPMO and MOIL became a 100% Government Company under the administrative control of the Ministry of Steel.

During the Financial year 2010-11, MOIL got listed on 15th December, 2010 on National Stock Exchange and Bombay Stock Exchange. After the listing, the shareholding in the company was Govt. of India (71.57%), Govt. of Maharashtra (4.62%) and Govt. of Madhya Pradesh (3.81%) and Public (20%). At present the shareholding pattern of the company is Govt. of India (53.84%), Govt. of Maharashtra (5.11%) and Govt. of Madhya Pradesh (5.40%) and Public (35.65%).

At present, MOIL operates 11 mines, seven located in the Nagpur and Bhandara districts of Maharashtra and four in the Balaghat district of Madhya Pradesh. All these mines are about a century old. Except 3, rest of the mines are worked through underground method. The Balaghat Mine is the largest mine of the Company. The mine has now reached a mining depth of about 383 meters from the surface. Dongri Buzurg Mine located in the Bhandara district of Maharashtra is an opencast mine that produces manganese dioxide ore used by dry battery industry. This ore in the form of manganous oxide is used as micro-nutrient for cattle feed and fertilizers. MOIL fulfils about 50% of the total requirement of dioxide ore in India. At present, the annual production is around 1.1 million tonne which is expected to grow in the coming years.

MOIL produces and sells different grades of Manganese Ore.  They are:-

•    High Grade Ores for production of Ferro manganese
•    Medium grade ore for production of Silico manganese
•    Blast furnace grade ore required for production of hot metal and
•    Dioxide for dry battery cells and chemical industries.

MOIL has set up a plant based on indigenous technology to manufacture 1,500 MT per annum capacity of Electrolytic Manganese Dioxide (EMD). This product is used for the manufacture of dry battery cells. EMD produced by the Company is of good quality and well accepted by the market.MOIL is having a Ferro manganese plant with a capacity of 12,000 MT per annum for value addition.

In order to promote non-conventional energy resources, MOIL has installed 4.8 MW Wind Energy Farm at Nagda Hills and 15.2 MW Wind Farm at Ratedi Hills, Dist. Dewas in Madhya Pradesh.



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