What does NBIN mean? What is the full form of NBIN?

The Full Form of NBIN is National bank identification number.

The bank identification number is a numbering system developed by the American National Standards Institute (ANSI) and the International Organization for Standardization (ISO) to identify institutions that issue different cards. The ANSI is a nonprofit organization (NPO) that creates business standards in the United States while the ISO is an international nongovernmental group that creates a variety of standards for different industries including the financial, health care, clothing, and aircraft fields.

All payment cards come with a BIN number. This is a set of four to six different numbers randomly assigned to debit cards, credit cards, charge cards, gift cards, and other payment cards. The number is embossed on the front of the card and appears in print just below as well. The first digit of the BIN specifies the major industry identifier—categories include airlines, banking and financial, or travel and entertainment. The digits that follow specify the issuing institution or bank.3 For example, the MII for a Visa credit card starts a four, which falls under the banking and financial category.

When a customer makes an online purchase, the customer enters their card details on the payment page. After submitting the first four to six digits of the card, the online retailer can detect which institution issued the customer’s card including:

  • the card brand, such as a Visa, MasterCard, American Express, and Diner’s Club
  • the card level, such as corporate or platinum
  • the card type—a debit card, credit card, or other payment cards
  • the issuing bank country



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Do you want to know What does NBIN mean? What is the full form of NBIN?. Are you looking for What does NBIN mean? What is the full form of NBIN? What is NBIN stand for? On this page, We talk about the various possible acronym, abbreviation, full form or slang term of NBIN. The Full Form of NBIN is‍ National bank identification number
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