What does NGA mean? What is the full form of NGA?

The Full Form of NGA is NorthgateArinso.

NorthgateArinso knows you can’t spell “helper” without “HR.” The firm provides services such as organizational assessment, process improvement, and strategic planning, as they relate to human resources systems and processes. As a subsidiary of UK human resources software maker Northgate Information Solutions, the company primarily serves European clientele (mostly in the UK) and maintains a presence in the Americas and the Asia/Pacific region. It owns 20 delivery centers spanning 35 countries, and it serves customers based in almost 150 countries worldwide. The company (formerly ARINSO) was founded in 1994 and was acquired by Northgate in mid-2007.

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Do you want to know What does NGA mean? What is the full form of NGA?. Are you looking for What does NGA mean? What is the full form of NGA? What is NGA stand for? On this page, We talk about the various possible acronym, abbreviation, full form or slang term of NGA. The Full Form of NGA is‍ NorthgateArinso
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