What does NOSQL mean? What is the full form of NOSQL?

The Full Form of NOSQL is Non relational.

non-relational database is a database that does not use the tabular schema of rows and columns found in most traditional database systems. Instead, non-relational databases use a storage model that is optimized for the specific requirements of the type of data being stored. For example, data may be stored as simple key/value pairs, as JSON documents, or as a graph consisting of edges and vertices.

What all of these data stores have in common is that they don’t use a relational model. Also, they tend to be more specific in the type of data they support and how data can be queried. For example, time series data stores are optimized for queries over time-based sequences of data, while graph data stores are optimized for exploring weighted relationships between entities. Neither format would generalize well to the task of managing transactional data.

The term NoSQL refers to data stores that do not use SQL for queries, and instead use other programming languages and constructs to query the data. In practice, “NoSQL” means “non-relational database,” even though many of these databases do support SQL-compatible queries. However, the underlying query execution strategy is usually very different from the way a traditional RDBMS would execute the same SQL query.



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Do you want to know What does NOSQL mean? What is the full form of NOSQL?. Are you looking for What does NOSQL mean? What is the full form of NOSQL? What is NOSQL stand for? On this page, We talk about the various possible acronym, abbreviation, full form or slang term of NOSQL. The Full Form of NOSQL is‍ Non relational
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