What does NPHH mean? What is the full form of NPHH?

The full form of NPHH is Non-Priority Household. It’s used on Governmental ,Policies & Programs in India

The new NFSA system categorizes households mainly into two: Priority Household (PHH) and Non-priority Household (NPHH). The households fulfilling the eligibility criteria will be considered as priority households for inclusion in the NFSA and their ration card is known as Priority Household Ration Card. Those who are ineligible be listed in the Non-priority house holds and their ration cards are known as Non-priority Household Ration card.

Non-Priority Household (NPHH) is a category under the National Food Security Act (NFSA) system ration cards. While NFSA taking action, general public try to understand facilities getting at their end from ration shops. Existing ration card owners and new applicants curious to know ration card types, categories, benefits, etc.. New applicants should compulsorily know how the NFSA selection criteria works to categorize Priority Household (PHH), and Non-Priority Household (NPHH).


Priority category has been divided into 4 sub-categories:

  1. General Priority
  2. AAY (Antyodaya Anna Yojana) ration card
  3. AY (Annapurna Yojna) ration card
  4. State Priority Ration Card
  5. Social Security (SS) that comes under State priority



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Do you want to know What does NPHH mean? What is the full form of NPHH?. Are you looking for What does NPHH mean? What is the full form of NPHH? What is NPHH stand for? On this page, We talk about the various possible acronym, abbreviation, full form or slang term of NPHH. The Full Form of NPHH is‍ Non-Priority Household
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What does NPHH mean? What is the full form of NPHH?
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