What does NRDWP mean? What is the full form of NRDWP?

The Full Form of NRDWP is‍ National Rural Drinking Water Programme.

National Rural Drinking Water Programme (NRDWP) was launched under Bharat Nirman by UPA Government with objective of ensuring provision of safe and adequate drinking water supply through hand-pumps, piped water supply etc. to all rural areas, households and persons. This programme was launched after merging the three erstwhile programmes on Accelerated Rural Water Supply Programme-ARWSP; Swajaldhara and National Rural Water Quality Monitoring & Surveillance.

In the Union Budget 2017-18, a provision of Rs. 6050.00 crore has been made for NRDWP including Rs. 575.00 crore for North-Eastern Region and Sikkim for the year 2017-18. Further, 22% of the total allocation i.e. Rs. 1331.00 crore and 10% amounting Rs. 605.00 crore is earmarked for the meeting expenditure on Scheduled Castes Component (SCC) and Scheduled Tribe Component (STC) respectively for the year 2017-18.



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Do you want to know What does NRDWP mean? What is the full form of NRDWP?. Are you looking for What does NRDWP mean? What is the full form of NRDWP? What is NRDWP stand for? On this page, We talk about the various possible acronym, abbreviation, full form or slang term of NRDWP. The Full Form of NRDWP is‍ National Rural Drinking Water Programme
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