What does NTDS mean? What is the full form of NTDS?

The Full Form of  NTDS is NT Directory Services.

Windows NT Directory Services, or NTDS, is the directory services used by Microsoft Windows NT to locate, manage, and organize network resources. Windows NT Directory Services (NTDS) uses domains, trusts, and directory synchronization to provide users of enterprise-level Windows NT networks with the following advanced capabilities:

  • Single-logon capability: Users can log on anywhere in the enterprise using only one account. 
  • Centralized administration: Administrators can manage the entire network from a single location. 
  • Universal resource access: Users can access resources anywhere in the enterprise if they have the appropriate permissions. 



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Do you want to know What does NTDS mean? What is the full form of NTDS?. Are you looking for What does NTDS mean? What is the full form of NTDS? What is NTDS stand for? On this page, We talk about the various possible acronym, abbreviation, full form or slang term of NTDS. The Full Form of NTDS is‍ NT Directory Services
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