Knew 與 New的區別

March 20, 2022


Knew 和 New 是給許多作家帶來麻煩的兩個同音字。它們發音相同,因為 Knew 中的 K 是無聲的。儘管如此,它們的含義不同,實際上是完全不同的詞性。

如果您曾經對真正的意思是 Knew 還是 New 感到困惑,那麼您並不孤單。本文將作為選擇這些詞的適當情況的有用指南。

## New 和 Knew 有什麼區別?

在這篇文章中,我將比較 New 與 Knew。我將在一個例句中使用每個單詞來說明它的正確用法和上下文。

另外,我將提供一個助記符,您可以使用它來幫助您決定在自己的寫作中應該使用 New 還是 Knew。

## 何時使用 New

New 是什麼意思? New 是形容詞。它意味著新鮮或未使用。這是舊的反義詞。


* Jameson got to the gym before basketball practice started, so he could stretch and lace up his new shoes.
* Julianna’s new computer is shiny and expensive.
* This new policy supersedes the old one from last year.
* One thing that struck us this year is the growing importance of software. You won’t necessarily need to buy a new phone, TV, watch or speaker to bring the advances of AI into your home. –The Wall Street Journal

## 何時使用 Knew

Knew 是什麼意思? Knew是動詞know的過去式,表示知道某事或了解某事。


* “I knew the judge was the murderer before I even finished the book!” said Carol.
* Jameson knew that if he did not practice, he would not become a basketball superstar.
* Queen Samantha knew the boys wanted to marry her, but her only true love was power.
* They began to email and text a bit. “There was banter,” Ms. Kerr said, but neither knew the interest or intention of the other. –The New York Times

## 記住差異的技巧

這些詞之間的選擇很簡單。如果你使用的詞是動詞,你應該選擇Knew。另一方面,如果您正在尋找一個形容詞,New 是唯一的選擇。

這是記住 Knew 與 New 的有用技巧。請記住,動詞 Knew 以與知識相同的字母開頭,兩者都是相關的。

## 概括

是 New 還是 Knew? Knew 和 New 是同音詞,這意味著它們聽起來很相似,但意思不同。重要的是不要混淆它們,因為它們實際上是不同的詞性。

* New is an adjective that means unused.
* Knew is the past tense form of the verb know, which means to understand or to be aware of

如果您無法正確使用這些詞,請記住 Knew 是動詞,與知識有關。由於這兩個詞都以相同的兩個字母開頭,因此您可以在腦海中將它們聯繫在一起。


* New 是形容詞。
* Knew 是過去時動詞。
* 它們永遠不能互換。
