What does ODFL mean? What is the full form of ODFL?

1, The full form of ODFL is Old Dominion Freight Line. It’s used on Business ,Companies & Corporations in United States

Old Dominion Freight Line (NASDAQ: ODFL) is a Less-Than-Truckload (LTL) and logistics service company headquartered in Thomasville, North Carolin, United States.

2, The full form of ODFL is Open, Distance and Flexible Learning. It’s used on Academic & Science ,Courses in Worldwide

Open, Distance and Flexible Learning (ODFL) is a learning system where the learners can choose the time, place, and pace of their study. As opposed to the conventional system of learning, there will be a physical distance between the leaner and the teacher. The learner will be sometimes provided with self-instructional print materials, audio or multimedia contents. ODFL system is being implemented to increase access to education including those for vulnerable young people including those affected by HIV and AIDS in countries like Mozambique and South Africa.

3, The full form of ODFL is One Dollar For Life. It’s used on Associations & Organizations ,Social Welfare Organizations in United States

One Dollar For Life (ODFL) is a non-profit organization based in California, United States. It was founded to address third world poverty by collecting one dollar from each of millions of US high school students and then channeling those funds into small-scale infrastructure projects in developing countries.

4, The full form of ODFL is Omeo and District Football League. It’s used on Sports & Games ,Football in Australia

Omeo and District Football League (ODFL) is an Australian Rules Football League based in the Omeo Region of East Gippsland, Victoria, Australia.



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Open, Distance and Flexible Learninghow to pronounce Open, Distance and Flexible Learning

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One Dollar For Lifehow to pronounce One Dollar For Life

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Omeo and District Football Leaguehow to pronounce Omeo and District Football League

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Do you want to know What does ODFL mean? What is the full form of ODFL?. Are you looking for What does ODFL mean? What is the full form of ODFL? What is ODFL stand for? On this page, We talk about the various possible acronym, abbreviation, full form or slang term of ODFL. The Full Form of ODFL is‍ Old Dominion Freight Line, Open, Distance and Flexible Learning, One Dollar For Life, Omeo and District Football League
You also might want to know: how to pronounce ODFL, how to pronounce Old Dominion Freight Line, how to pronounce Open, Distance and Flexible Learning, how to pronounce One Dollar For Life, how to pronounce Omeo and District Football League,
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What does ODFL mean? What is the full form of ODFL?
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