What does PASS mean? What is the full form of PASS?

The Full Form of PASS is Pull, aim, squeeze, sweep.

The following steps should be followed when responding to incipient stage fire:

  • Sound the fire alarm and call the fire department, if appropriate.
  • Identify a safe evacuation path before approaching the fire. Do not allow the fire, heat, or smoke to come between you and your evacuation path.
  • Select the appropriate type of fire extinguisher.
  • Discharge the extinguisher within its effective range using the P.A.S.S. technique (pull, aim, squeeze, sweep).
  • Back away from an extinguished fire in case it flames up again.
  • Evacuate immediately if the extinguisher is empty and the fire is not out.
  • Evacuate immediately if the fire progresses beyond the incipient stage.

The Full Form of PASS is Password



Pull, aim, squeeze, sweephow to pronounce Pull, aim, squeeze, sweep

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Do you want to know What does PASS mean? What is the full form of PASS?. Are you looking for What does PASS mean? What is the full form of PASS? What is PASS stand for? On this page, We talk about the various possible acronym, abbreviation, full form or slang term of PASS. The Full Form of PASS is‍ Pull, aim, squeeze, sweep
You also might want to know: how to pronounce PASS, how to pronounce Pull, aim, squeeze, sweep,
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What does PASS mean? What is the full form of PASS?
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