What does PCN mean? What is the full form of PCN?

The full form of PCN is Percutaneous Nephrostomy.

A percutaneous nephrostomy is the placement of a small, flexible rubber tube (catheter) through your skin into your kidney to drain your urine. It is inserted through your back or flank.

Percutaneous nephrostolithotomy (or nephrolithotomy) is the passing of a special medical instrument through your skin into your kidney. This is done to remove kidney stones.

Most stones pass out of the body on their own through urine. When they do not, your health care provider may recommend these procedures.

During the procedure, you lie on your stomach on a table. You are given a shot of lidocaine. This is the same medicine your dentist uses to numb your mouth. The provider may give you medicines to help you relax and reduce pain.

If you have nephrostomy only:

  • The doctor inserts a needle into your skin. Then the nephrostomy catheter is passed through the needle into your kidney.
  • You may feel pressure and discomfort when the catheter is inserted.
  • A special type of x-ray is used to make sure the catheter is in the right place.

If you have percutaneous nephrostolithotomy (or nephrolithotomy):

  • You will receive general anesthesia so that you will be asleep and feel no pain.
  • The doctor makes a small cut (incision) on your back. A needle is passed through the skin into your kidney. Then the tract is dilated and a plastic sheath is left in place allowing a tract to pass instruments.
  • These special instruments are then passed through the sheath. Your doctor uses these to take out the stone or break it into pieces.
  • After the procedure, a tube is placed in the kidney (nephrostomy tube). Another tube, called a stent, is placed in the ureter to drain urine from your kidney. This allows your kidney to heal.



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