1, The full form of PLA is Polylactic Acid. It’s used on Academic & Science ,Chemistry in Worldwide
Polylactic Acid (PLA) or Polylactide (PLA), is a biodegradable, thermoplastic polymer made with two possible monomers or building blocks: lactic acid, and lactide. PLA is a bio-based plastic material made from plants instead of oil and derived from renewable resources like corn starch or sugar cane. It is widely used in applications such as food packaging, food containers, and biomedical devices. PLA is also a popular material used in 3D printing.
2, The full form of PLA is People’s Liberation Army. It’s used on Governmental ,Military in China
People’s Liberation Army, Unified organization of China’s land, sea, and air forces. It is one of the largest military forces in the world. The People’s Liberation Army traces its roots to the 1927 Nanchang Uprising of the communists against the Nationalists. Initially called the Red Army, it grew under Mao Zedong and Zhu De from 5,000 troops in 1929 to 200,000 in 1933. Only a fraction of this force survived the Long March in retreat from the Nationalists. After rebuilding its strength, a large portion of it, the Eighth Route Army, fought with the Nationalists against the Japanese in northern China. After World War II the communist forces, renamed the People’s Liberation Army, defeated the Nationalists, making possible the formation of the People’s Republic of China in 1949. See also Lin Biao; Mao Zedong.

3, The full form of PLA is Programmable Logic Array. It’s used on Academic & Science ,Electronics in Worldwide
Programmable logic arrays (PLAs) implement two-level combinational logic in sum-of-products (SOP) form. PLAs are built from an AND array followed by an OR array, as shown in Figure 5.54. The inputs (in true and complementary form) drive an AND array, which produces implicants, which in turn are ORed together to form the outputs. An M × N × P-bit PLA has M inputs, N implicants, and P outputs.

Programmable Logic Devices PLDsPLDs are the integrated circuits. They contain an array of AND gates & another array of OR gates. There are three kinds of PLDs based on the type of arrayss, which has programmable feature.
- Programmable Read Only Memory
- Programmable Array Logic
- Programmable Logic Array
The process of entering the information into these devices is known as programming. Basically, users can program these devices or ICs electrically in order to implement the Boolean functions based on the requirement. Here, the term programming refers to hardware programming but not software programming.
4, The full form of PLA is Public Library Association. It’s used on Associations & Organizations ,Professional Associations in United States
The Public Library Association (PLA) is the largest association dedicated to supporting the unique and evolving needs of public library professionals. Founded in 1944, PLA serves nearly 10,000 members in public libraries large and small in communities across the United States and Canada, with a growing presence around the world. PLA offers continuing education opportunities, unique public library initiatives, and a conference that welcomes public library staff into meaningful partnership. In collaboration with its parent organization, the American Library Association, PLA strives to help its members shape the essential institution of public libraries by serving as an indispensable ally for public library leaders.
5, The full form of PLA is Prior Learning Assessment. It’s used on Academic & Science ,Universities & Institutions in Worldwide
Prior Learning Assessment or PLA is a term used to describe learning gained outside a traditional academic environment. Put another way, it’s learning and knowledge students acquire while working, participating in employer training programs, serving in the military, studying independently, volunteering or doing community service, and studying open source courseware.
In short, PLA is the evaluation and assessment of an individual’s life learning for college credit, certification, or advanced standing toward further education or training.
PLA includes options such as:
- Portfolio-based Assessments—Evaluations of student portfolios.
- American Council on Education (ACE) Guides—Published credit recommendations for formal instructional programs offered by non-collegiate agencies, both civilian employers and the military
- College Level Examination Program (CLEP) Exams—Tests of college material offered by the College Board
- DSST Credit by Exam Program—Formerly known as the DANTES Program, owned and administered by Prometric, tests knowledge of both lower-level and upper-level college material through 38 exams
- Evaluation of Local Training—Program evaluations done by individual departments of non-collegiate instructional programs
- Challenge Exams—Tests developed by one of the Colleges on campus to verify learning achievement
6, The full form of PLA is Proximity Ligation Assay. It’s used on Medical ,Biochemistry in Worldwide
Proximity Ligation Assay (PLA) is a technology that allows the detection of proteins, protein modifications, and protein interactions in fixed tissue and cell samples.
Duolink® Proximity Ligation Assay (PLA) is a powerful tool that allows in situ detection of endogenous proteins, protein modifications, and protein interactions with high specificity and sensitivity. Protein targets can be readily detected and localized with single molecule resolution in unmodified cells and tissues. Typically, two primary antibodies raised in different species are used to detect two unique protein targets (Fig. 1A). A pair of oligonucleotide-labeled secondary antibodies (PLA probes) then binds to the primary antibodies (Fig. 1B). Next, hybridizing connector oligos join the PLA probes only if they are in close proximity to each other and ligase forms a closed, circle DNA template that is required for rolling-circle amplification (RCA) (Fig. 1C). The PLA probe then acts as a primer for a DNA polymerase, which generates concatemeric sequences during RCA (Fig. 1D). This allows up to 1000-fold amplified signal that is still tethered to the PLA probe, allowing localization of the signal. Lastly, labeled oligos hybridize to the complementary sequences within the amplicon (Fig. 1E), which are then visualized and quantified as discrete spots (PLA signals) by microscopy image analysis (Fig.1F). Duolink® PLA can be performed on adherent cells, cytospin preparations, and tissue sections on glass slides using immunofluorescence (i.e., green, red, far red, or orange detection) or immunohistochemistry (i.e., peroxidase-catalyzed reaction). In addition, Duolink® PLA can be performed on blood or suspension cells for detection by flow cytometry and can be used in multi-well plates (e.g., 96- or 384-well) with a high-content screening imager for high-throughput analysis. The high specificity, sensitivity, and versatility of Duolink® PLA make it an ideal method for pathway analysis, drug screen kinetics, IC50 determination, and target validation.
7, The full form of PLA is Pakistan Library Association. It’s used on Associations & Organizations ,Regional Organizations in Pakistan
Pakistan Library Association is the representative National Body of the Librarians in Pakistan. The PLA was formed in Karachi in March 1957. Prior to the formation of PLA there was Pakistan Bibliographical Working Group (PBWG) working for the promotion of library activities. According to Dr. Anis Khurshid ” it was PBWG which in its meeting held on July 6, 1954, constituted an Adhoc Committee with H. A. Qazi as its Chairman, to form a National Association for Librarians”. The Adhoc Committee members include Syed Vilayat Hussain, Khawaja Noor Elahi, Fazal-e-Elahi and Akhtar H. Siddiqui. The PLA is responsible to look after the interest of the professional librarians and to work for the development and improvement of libraries both in formal and informal sectors of education and research.

8, The full form of PLA is Palestine Liberation Army. It’s used on Governmental ,Military in Palestinian Territory
The Palestine Liberation Army (PLA, Arabic: جيش التحرير الفلسطيني, Jaysh al-Tahrir al-Filastini) is ostensibly the military wing of the Palestine Liberation Organization (PLO), set up at the 1964 Arab League summit held in Alexandria, Egypt, with the mission of fighting Israel. However, it has never been under effective PLO control, but rather it has been controlled by its various host governments, usually Syria.
9, The full form of PLA is Port of London Authority. It’s used on Governmental ,Departments & Agencies in United Kingdom
The Port of London Authority(PLA ) is a self-funding public trust established on 31 March 1909 in accordance with the Port of London Act 1908 to govern the Port of London. Its responsibility extends over the Tideway of the River Thames and its continuation.
As a trust port, the Port of London Authority has no shareholders and operates for the benefit of customers and stakeholders now and in the future. Our operations cover 95 miles of the River Thames, from Teddington to the North Sea. We work to keep commercial and leisure users safe, protect and enhance the environment, and promote the use of the river for trade and travel.
10, The full form of PLA is Project Labor Agreement. It’s used on Business ,Business Terms in United States
Project Labor Agreement (PLA) is a pre-hire collective bargaining agreement between the owner or managing entity of a construction project and a set of labor unions that establishes the terms and conditions of employment for a specific construction project.
What is a Project Labor Agreement and how does it affect workers?
A “project labor agreement” is when the government awards contracts for public construction projects exclusively to unionized firms.
Under the National Labor Relations Act, construction contractors and employees have the right to choose to unionize or not to unionize. The vast majority of contractors and their employees – more than 80 percent – have voluntarily opted against unionization.
Because most contractors and employees choose to refrain from unionization when they have the free choice, Big Labor turned to politicians to remove that choice and impose union representation on employees from the top down. The method by which this is done is a project labor agreement, which is also frequently referred to as a “PLA.”
A project labor agreement requires all contractors, whether they are unionized or not, to subject themselves and their employees to unionization in order to work on a government-funded construction project. This is done by including a union collective bargaining agreement in a public construction project’s bid specifications. In order to receive a contract, a contractor must sign the agreement and subject its employees to union control.
11, The full form of PLA is People’s Liberation Army. It’s used on Governmental ,Military in Lebanon
People’s Liberation Army (PLA) was the military wing of the left-wing Druze Progressive Socialist Party (PSP) which fought in the Lebanese Civil War.
12, The full form of PLA is Pre-school Learning Alliance. It’s used on Associations & Organizations ,Regional Organizations in United Kingdom
The Pre-school Learning Alliance (PSLA) is a leading educational charity specialising in the early years. They provide practical support to over 14,000 early years settings and make a positive contribution to the care and education of over 800,000 young children and their families each year. They support and actively promote parental involvement in all aspects of our work.
Products and services include specialist publications, directly-managed childcare provision, information and advice, quality assurance, campaigning, research, training and family programmes.
13, The full form of PLA is Phone Losers of America. It’s used on Associations & Organizations ,Regional Organizations in United States
The Phone Losers of America is an internet prank call community founded in 1994 as a phone phreaking and hacking group. Today the PLA hosts the popular prank call podcast the “Snow Plow Show” which it has hosted since 2012
14, The full form of PLA is Professional Loadmaster Association. It’s used on Associations & Organizations ,Regional Organizations in United States
Professional Loadmaster Association (PLA). The PLA is a non-profit organization dedicated to bringing the loadmaster community together. We have several chapters throughout the country. Loadmasters from all walks of life have joined our organization sharing stories and experiences from their lives as a loadmaster. A group of individuals that share a common bond of airlifting just about anything you can imagine around the world. We invite you to look around and read some of these incredible stories. If you are not yet a member please join us, simple online sign up is now available.
15, The full form of PLA is Pediatric Leadership Alliance. It’s used on Associations & Organizations ,Regional Organizations in United States
Pediatric Leadership Alliance (PLA) is a physician leadership program of the American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP).
The YPLA is a three-year training program presented by the Section on Early Career Physicians of the American Academy of Pediatrics. It is designed to develop leadership skills and establish a network of ambitious early career pediatricians and pediatric subspecialists. The program uses interactive forums and small group coaching with expert faculty to guide participants through an exploration of their own leadership capacity, learning about leadership principles, behaviors, and tools that can help them achieve their personal and professional goals.
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