What does PMCC mean? What is the full form of PMCC?

The Full Form of PMCC is Power cum Motor Control Centre.

A low voltage motor control center (LV-MCC) is an assembly of one or more enclosed sections having a common power bus and principally containing motor control units. LV-MCCs have been used since 1950 by the automobile manufacturing industry which used large numbers of electric motors. Today, they are used in many industrial and commercial applications. Where very dusty or corrosive processes are used, the LV-MCC may be installed in a separate air-conditioned room.

LV-MCCs provide the most suitable method for grouping electrical motor control, automation, and power distribution in a compact and economical package. LV-MCCs consist of totally enclosed, freestanding structures bolted together. These sections support and house control units, a common bus bar for distributing power to the control units, and a network of wire trough and conductor entrance areas for accommodating incoming and outgoing load and control wires. The control units consist of components, such as a combination of motor starters, branch feeder devices, variable frequency drives, programmable logic controllers, soft starters, direct online starters, and meters. Each unit is mounted in an individual, isolated compartment or drawer having its own door. LV-MCCs are an assembly of several motor starters. An LV-MCC consists of one or more vertical metal cabinet sections with power bus and provision for plug-in mounting of individual motor controllers. Very large controllers may be bolted in place but smaller controllers can be unplugged from the cabinet for testing or maintenance.



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Do you want to know What does PMCC mean? What is the full form of PMCC?. Are you looking for What does PMCC mean? What is the full form of PMCC? What is PMCC stand for? On this page, We talk about the various possible acronym, abbreviation, full form or slang term of PMCC. The Full Form of PMCC is‍ Power cum Motor Control Centre
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