What does PQD mean? What is the full form of PQD?

The Full Form of PQD is‍ Quad High Definition.

QHD (Quad High Definition) is a resolution standard for high-end monitors, televisions and mobile devices. 

QHD is specified as 2560×1440 pixels at a16x9 aspect ratio, four times that of 720p standard high definition. Ultra wide QHD boosts the horizontal pixels to 3440 for a 21×9 aspect ratio.

QHD is a resolution suitable to large-size screens. On mobile devices, given the 5.5 inch screens, QHD makes for a very high pixel density of 538dpi. QHD is on the horizon for higher end smartphones.

A similarly named but different standard, qHD (quarter HD) is a resolution that is one-quarter of 1080p’s 1980×1080.



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