What does PUA mean? What is the full form of PUA?

1. The Full Form of PUA is Private Un-aided.

All the college are categorized into Private Un-Aided (PUA) and Private Aided(PA)

Private Un-Aided (PA) college means college where financial help is not available.

While Private Aided (PA) college means college where financial help is available for SC/ST caste

2. The Full Form of PUA is Pick-up artists.

Pickup artists (PUA), self-identified as dating coaches, the seduction community or the pickup community, is a movement of men whose goal is seduction and sexual success with women. The community exists through Internet newsletters and blogs, marketing (e.g. banner ads, seminars, one-on-one coaching), forums and groups, as well as local clubs, known as “lairs”.

Someone who uses a variety of underhand tactics to try and get laid because, having serious problems with misogyny, a roaring inadequacy complex, a deeply warped image of what constitutes being a worthy person, have never developed a healthy way of interacting with the other sex and seem to believe that the only way to get laid is to beat the other person into submission or trick them, they believe that this is somehow a reasonable way to behave.

By and large, so-called PUAs are inexperienced people talking scarily ignorant shit at each other to try and appear more experienced than they are, or have some degree of success – if it can be called that – which amounts to having sex with a string of women as ill, sociopathic and/or desperate as they are, or ones who are too stupid to realise what a scary manipulative misogynist the person edging ever-closer to them is.

In other words: they have the amount of sex they would otherwise have if they were just perfectly honest about their ends, minus all the people they’ve scared off by being clearly desperate and/or not very well in the head.

The Pick-up Artist is a 1987 American romantic comedy drama film produced and distributed by 20th Century Fox, written and directed by James Toback, starring Robert Downey Jr. and Molly Ringwald in the lead roles.




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Do you want to know What does PUA mean? What is the full form of PUA?. Are you looking for What does PUA mean? What is the full form of PUA? What is PUA stand for? On this page, We talk about the various possible acronym, abbreviation, full form or slang term of PUA. The Full Form of PUA is‍ Private Un-aided
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