What does PUG mean? What is the full form of PUG?

The Full Form of PUG is Palm Users Group.

The Stanford PalmPilot User Group is the oldest surviving (sometimes just barely) Palm OS® user group, and the sponsor of the PalmHack developer contests. It normally meets at 7pm on the first Tuesday of each month.

The group is on hiatus.

SPUG is a spin-off of SNUG, the Stanford Newton User Group, which is a spin-off of SMUG, the Stanford/Palo Alto Macintosh User Group. Membership is free and open to all, but since we meet in a café, attendees should buy something to eat or drink.

Printers Inc Bookstore Café,
320 California Ave,
Palo Alto, California



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Do you want to know What does PUG mean? What is the full form of PUG?. Are you looking for What does PUG mean? What is the full form of PUG? What is PUG stand for? On this page, We talk about the various possible acronym, abbreviation, full form or slang term of PUG. The Full Form of PUG is‍ Palm Users Group
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What does PUG mean? What is the full form of PUG?
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