What does RFA mean? What is the full form of RFA?

1, The full form of RFA is RadioFrequency Ablation. It’s used on Medical ,Diseases & Conditions in Worldwide

RadioFrequency Ablation (RFA) is a treatment that is used for some types of cancer.

2, The full form of RFA is Request For Application(s). It’s used on Business ,Business Terms in Worldwide

Request For Application (RFA) is a formal invitation which an organization announces that grant funding is available, and allows researchers and other organizations to present bids on how the funding could be used.

3, The full form of RFA is Radio Free Asia. It’s used on News & Entertainment ,TV & Radio in Worldwide

Radio Free Asia (RFA) is a private, non-profit corporation broadcasting news and publishes online news, information, and commentary to listeners in Asia.

4, The full form of RFA is Renewable Fuels Association. It’s used on Associations & Organizations ,Regional Organizations in United States

Renewable Fuels Association (RFA) is an organization based in the United States which promotes, research and development initiatives that will lead to the increased production and use of corn ethanol fuel.

5, The full form of RFA is Royal Fleet Auxiliary. It’s used on Governmental ,Military in United Kingdom

Royal Fleet Auxiliary (RFA) is a civilian-manned fleet owned by the British Ministry of Defence.

6, The full form of RFA is Radio Free Afghanistan. It’s used on News & Entertainment ,TV & Radio in Afghanistan

Radio Free Afghanistan (RFA) is the branch of Radio Free Europe / Radio Liberty’s (RFE/RL) broadcast services in Afghanistan.

7, The full form of RFA is Rafaï Airport. It’s used on Transport & Travel ,Airport Codes in Central African Republic

Rafaï Airport (IATA code: RFA, ICAO: FEGR) is an airport located near Rafaï, Mbomou, Central African Republic.



RadioFrequency Ablationhow to pronounce RadioFrequency Ablation

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Request For Application(s)how to pronounce Request For Application(s)

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Radio Free Asiahow to pronounce Radio Free Asia

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Renewable Fuels Associationhow to pronounce Renewable Fuels Association

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Royal Fleet Auxiliaryhow to pronounce Royal Fleet Auxiliary

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Radio Free Afghanistanhow to pronounce Radio Free Afghanistan

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Rafaï Airporthow to pronounce Rafaï Airport

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Do you want to know What does RFA mean? What is the full form of RFA?. Are you looking for What does RFA mean? What is the full form of RFA? What is RFA stand for? On this page, We talk about the various possible acronym, abbreviation, full form or slang term of RFA. The Full Form of RFA is‍ RadioFrequency Ablation, Request For Application(s), Radio Free Asia, Renewable Fuels Association, Royal Fleet Auxiliary, Radio Free Afghanistan, Rafaï Airport
You also might want to know: how to pronounce RFA, how to pronounce RadioFrequency Ablation, how to pronounce Request For Application(s), how to pronounce Radio Free Asia, how to pronounce Renewable Fuels Association, how to pronounce Royal Fleet Auxiliary, how to pronounce Radio Free Afghanistan, how to pronounce Rafaï Airport,
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Showing the full form of RFA:‍ 'RadioFrequency Ablation, Request For Application(s), Radio Free Asia, Renewable Fuels Association, Royal Fleet Auxiliary, Radio Free Afghanistan, Rafaï Airport' on your site.
What does RFA mean? What is the full form of RFA?
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