What does RRM mean? What is the full form of RRM?

The Full Form of RRM is Radio resource management.

Radio resource management (RRM) is the system level management of co-channel interference, radio resources, and other radio transmission characteristics in wireless communication systems, for example cellular networks, wireless local area networks, wireless sensor systems, and radio broadcasting networks. RRM involves strategies and algorithms for controlling parameters such as transmit power, user allocation, beamforming, data rates, handover criteria, modulation scheme, error coding scheme, etc. The objective is to utilize the limited radio-frequency spectrum resources and radio network infrastructure as efficiently as possible.



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Do you want to know What does RRM mean? What is the full form of RRM?. Are you looking for What does RRM mean? What is the full form of RRM? What is RRM stand for? On this page, We talk about the various possible acronym, abbreviation, full form or slang term of RRM. The Full Form of RRM is‍ Radio resource management
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