What does SACFA mean? What is the full form of SACFA?

The Full Form of SACFA is‍ Standing Advisory Committee on Radio Frequency Allocation.

SACFA means the “Standing Advisory Committee on Radio Frequency Allocation” of the Wireless & Planning Co-ordination wing of Ministry of Communications &IT, Government of India.

Examples of SACFA in a sentence

Facilitate granting of WPC, SACFA and other approvals, clearance, permissions necessary for operating the service upon the appropriate applications made by the Selectee.

While examining the compliance of rollout obligations, the delay in grant of the SACFA clearance beyond the above mentioned prescribed duration shall be excluded from the duration set for rollout.

EXPLANATION: SACFA is the apex body in the Ministry of Communications for considering matters regarding coordination for frequency allocations and other related issues / matters.

For use of space segment and setting up and operationalisation of Earth Station etc., LICENSEE shall directly coordinate with and obtain clearance from Network Operations and Control Centre (NOCC), apart from obtaining SACFA clearance and clearance from other authorities.

The difference between the ‘start date’ and ‘end date’ after excluding the above mentioned prescribed period would be considered as the delay in grant of SACFA clearance for Land Earth Station Gateway site for the limited purpose of calculating the delay in compliance of rollout obligations.



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Do you want to know What does SACFA mean? What is the full form of SACFA?. Are you looking for What does SACFA mean? What is the full form of SACFA? What is SACFA stand for? On this page, We talk about the various possible acronym, abbreviation, full form or slang term of SACFA. The Full Form of SACFA is‍ Standing Advisory Committee on Radio Frequency Allocation
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